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------- Wednesday, July 13, 2022 -------
08:06 chartgod: Good day, for some reason -sometimes- the last/bid/ask like rigt now, and I even restarted and rebooted, this PC is not showing the Green/Red yet on my other PC it is
08:06 admin: Thank you for chatting with us. We appreciate your patience as the next available associate will be with you as soon as possible.
08:08 Summer_B: Good morning, James. I'm Summer with the Trade Desk & happy to help you with those color questions.

08:08 Summer_B: It's a settings adjustment.
08:09 Summer_B: If you visit the Setup in the top right corner, we're going to navigate to Display.
08:09 chartgod: It ws working fine yesterday, and I have not changed anything Summer
08:09 Summer_B: Then you can change the section called "Price ticks color in watchlists" you'll want it to be Font Color.
08:09 Summer_B: I understand.
08:10 Summer_B: Somehow it appears the watchlist was adjusted, though. This is how to change it. You didn't, by chance load another workspace or open any shared items recently, did you?
08:11 chartgod: I have not changed workspaces in months, and it is selected
08:11 chartgod:
08:12 Summer_B: Well... that is definitely something we need to find a fix for then!
08:12 chartgod: It was working this AM, I rebooted things on this PC router etc also, as mentioned other is fine, this one stopped
08:13 Summer_B: I would also assume you didn't change your Look & Feel at all, since you told me nothing was changed, Correct?
08:14 chartgod: I have swithed from Light to Dark ones...and tried that again while waiting and still does not
08:15 chartgod: just tried again, and same no coloring
08:16 chartgod: And just changed watchlists and same thing
08:17 Summer_B: One moment. I'm looking into this further.
08:18 chartgod: ty
08:22 Summer_B: Thanks for your patience.
08:26 Summer_B: Still workin' on this. Thanks for your patience.
08:27 chartgod: ty
08:27 Summer_B: Of course!
08:31 Summer_B: Would you mind if I remote into your TOS (thinkorswim) ?
08:32 chartgod: please do, but I only have a few more minutes
08:33 Summer_B: I understand. Time is precious, right? Especially in the stock market.
08:34 Summer_B: Will you navigate to a different Watchlist (WL) like a public one, pleaes?
08:34 Summer_B: *please
08:34 Summer_B: Not a great example because Options don't trade until market opens. Can you choose a different one please?
08:34 Summer_B: Maybe Dow Jones Industrial?
08:35 Summer_B: From what I can tell, the WL you have without color is just not yet trading, so no movement is causing all White.
08:37 Summer_B: I can't even see the Bid / Ask on your WL.
08:37 Summer_B: Can you take a look at the full WL, or do you want to check back with us later when you have more time?
08:38 chartgod: I am sorry, just lost 12.00 and spent 8 hours past 2 weeks on issues. ty for your time. not having fun, GOTTA GO, Please escalate my issues, as awaiting in Website ToS related things, as seems the last person never read what I wrote regards and BYE
08:38 Summer_B: Thank you so much for your business. We appreciate you here at TDAmeritrade! I hope you have an amazing day!

08:38 Summer_B: Reach back out when you're ready.
08:38 Summer_B: From what I can tell the positions you're looking at just aren't moving.
08:38 Summer_B: No movement > No color changes.
08:38 chartgod: The only thing I had done is this I gotta gor now 24 lost this is not fun
08:39 Summer_B: I understand. Please reach back out when you're ready. We're happy to help!
08:39 chartgod: HUH? I have for past 2 weeks....sorry,



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